Sunday, August 28, 2011


We went camping this weekend at a site about 30 minutes from Leadville, near Twin Lakes. It was beautiful.

View from the campsite: 

We drove there on Friday, and on Saturday morning we woke up to M laughing; she was so delighted to be in the tent. She slept well both nights, and had a great time playing outside. Below are some of the highlights. 

Dipping her toes in the lake with Daddy:

Hiking on a lovely morning: 

Playing in the dirt:

With Daddy during the hike:

Watching the campfire (it went all day, all night) with Mommy and Uncle Andy:

Eating Doritos (and yogurt, and a strawberry and hotdogs): 

We got back to Denver Sunday afternoon, welcomed by 96-degree temperatures. We spent the rest of the day resting, and M is now getting her second bath of the day just before bedtime. 


  1. Awesome photos! Looks like M had a blast.

  2. Beautiful scenery, what a site to wake up to!
