Thursday, March 31, 2011

Baby Sit-Ups

We call this a baby sit-up, where M tries to sit up without using her arms. Needless to say, not very successful. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Moving Day

Tomorrow is moving day. Romeo, with the help of Grandpa Hereau, Josh, and neighbor Joe, will be packing our belongings in a truck, with Rome and cousin Danny driving it to Denver on Friday. Poor M, she will miss all of the boxes that she loves so much.

We are tired of living this way, however, and are looking forward to settling in our new home. M and I are off to Georgia first, and will not arrive in Denver until April 11. This leaves Romeo enough time to unpack and get organized! 

Monday, March 28, 2011


We made it back to Chicago safe and sound! It is good to be home, even if only for a few days. 

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Nice Walk

Now that I am (finally) done with my business in DC, my mom, M and I spent the day together enjoying the cherry blossom festival. It was unseasonably cold, but still a beautiful day. 

M was asleep when we arrived at the tidal basin, but woke up while we were still there so don't worry--she did not miss it all! 

That's me, by the way, pushing M in the stroller. I think this is my first appearance on the blog.

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Thanks Grandma!

Grandma Schmieder heads back to Michigan today, and M and I return to Chicago tomorrow. We had such a great week, and cannot thank Grandma enough for helping us out.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So Busy

I have been so busy working, and M has been busy seeing the sites with her Grandma. I managed to snap this photo when I saw them for a brief moment this afternoon. Isn't she sweet?
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Switch

Romeo handed off babysitting duties to Grandma Schmieder yesterday, and the switch was seemless.
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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hotel Living

What is the best part about staying in a nice hotel for two weeks? The comfy beds!
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our Nation's Capital

Rome and M have been enjoying the beautiful weather in Washington, DC by taking long walks around the Mall. They have seen the Washington Monument, the WWII Memorial, the White House, and on and on. M loves her stroller and has loved taking in the new scene. 

Alas, I have been working the entire time and have missed out on these outings. But Rome tells me that she is very curious (as always) and has been tiring out from the overload of neat, new things to see. Here though, she is anything but tired: 

And tomorrow, they are off to see if the cherry blossoms bloomed. Those *could be* beautiful photos for this blog, and is something I wish I was with them to witness. 
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Friday, March 18, 2011

More from Yesterday

Here are some other good ones I took with my phone yesterday. It was a beautiful day and we walked to the White House, which was also celebrating the holiday--notice the green fountain? 

And here is a good one of M sleeping. We were hanging out getting some work done and she passed right out, just too much fun in our Nation's Capital and with her daddy :) 

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Girls Night Out

Tonight, Grandma Hereau, Auntie Patti, Auntie Felicia, and cousin Braden took us out to dinner. We will miss them all so much when we move!
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So, I suspect that M is teething. Of course, I no experience with teething babies, so this is just a guess. She is chewing on everything, a little cranky, and pulling on her ear--all signs, I am told, that teeth are on their way in. 

Grandma Vickie got her these "keys" and I picked up some other chew toys, and that is working for now. Any other tips are appreciated, and maybe soon I will be posting a photo of that first tooth. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Packing Party

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Schmieder and Aunt Mary and Uncle Steve, most of our belongings are now in boxes. We spent Saturday and Sunday packing, and it was exhausting.

Rome and I owe them all a big "thanks!" because we have very little left to do besides load up the moving truck. M loved watching everyone pack. She also loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa, who have not see her in a few weeks. 

In addition to packing, we went for a nice walk this morning and had breakfast at Nookies. It is going to be in the 70's this week in Denver, so I am sure we have a lot of walks in our future! 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bath Time

Romeo is the one who gives M all of her baths. Shortly after we brought her home from the hospital, we gave her a bath and she screamed until it was over. I can take it when she cries, but I have a hard time listening to it when I know that the crying is my fault. So, I don't give her baths anymore, and if she cries it is Romeo's fault.  (*Note that she does not cry anymore at bath time, but I still would rather not do it). 

But, Rome's out of town (in Boston tonight, back in Denver tomorrow) so I have to give her baths. And I must say, it is going pretty well. Here she is, happy and clean.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

High Chair

Above is a video of M in her high chair this morning while I was cleaning up in the kitchen. Notice the boxes in the back, our entire apartment has piles of boxes like that. Thankfully, she is too young to be fazed by the move. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Toy

I worked from home today but Vickie came over to take care of M so I could accomplish what I needed to. They went to Ash Wednesday mass and spent the rest of the day playing. One of the toys M really enjoyed was this magic wand she got for Christmas. She is really getting the hang of it: 

It is funny tbecause I have a video from yesterday where she is playing with the same toy but hitting herself in the head: 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We had five--count it--five clothing changes today. Yeah that's right, I am talking about you, my beautiful but messy baby:

She actually not hiding from me, just figuring out how to pull down the bumper we put up so her limbs would not get caught between the slats. And today she did get her arm stuck. 

The day was not all cleaning and wardrobe changes though. We also took a nice walk and read some books. 

We are also missing Rome, who is on his way from Denver to Boston for meetings. Romeo is back to Denver at the end of the week, and then meeting us in Washington, DC next Thursday. This last photo is from M to her Daddy: 

We love you! 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Thanks for Babysitting Today Grandma!

M had a fun day of playing with Grandma Hereau while I went to work. I need/want/appreciate/love the help. I am busy at work, and I only have four (gasp!) days left in the office before we move. By the time I got home, M was tuckered out so I put her in her pj's and snapped this photo:

Tomorrow I am home and we have more playing planned...stay tunned! 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh What a Busy Day!

We had a busy weekend and ended with a busy Sunday. Rome and I spent the morning packing and cleaning closets, and M kept herself occupied.

At 10:30am we headed to Auntie Felicia's for brunch with the Hereau's. We had a very nice morning with good food and good company. M was spoiled with attention from her Grandma, aunts, and Tony and Lorrie's girls, who loved giving her kisses. Here is a photo of M with her Grandma Hereau: 

In the afternoon, we headed home and then out again, this time with the Schmieders. Nannie, Aunt Lynn, Aunt Mary, Uncle Steve, Kelly, Danny and Molly met us at Bricks for pizza. 

M slept through most of the meal, so they will have to see her again before we leave. We had a nice visit though, and I was pleased to learn that little Molly will be a Spartan next year. MSU is lucky to have her! 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Play Date

We spent the morning packing, but the afternoon visiting with friends Jeremy and Megan, and their son Will. Will is just two months older than M, and they were so cute together.

Will has hit all of the milestones that are right around the corner for M, like eating food, sitting up, and saying first words. She was watching everything he did. 

After Jer, Megan and Will left, M had a bath and went to bed. And it was back to packing for us! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I took this video with my phone, and apparently I cannot rotate it...but M is cute even at this odd angle.

By the way, I have a new phone number to go with my new phone. It is (303) 332-8190. 

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Home Again

We had a long, long say in the Denver airport yesterday, finally arriving in Chicago around 7:30pm (when we were supposed to be on a 6:30am flight). Thanfully, Grandma and Grandpa Hereau picked us up from the airport (thank you!) and our overall travel time was significantly less.

Because yesterday was so long, today I worked from home, and we relaxed.

Denver was not all bad, and in fact we had a nice weekend there. I had to work, but Romeo and M were busy scoping out the city and buying a car. We now have a brand new Subaru Forester and a better sense of the city we will soon call home. Romeo is actually still in Denver, so a special "hi daddy!" goes out to him from M. And a shout-out goes to Grandpa Schmieder who is celebrating his birthday today. M got to say happy birthday to him via Skype today with lots of coos and giggles.

Tomorrow should be another fun day, when M spends it with Grandma Hereau.