Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So, I suspect that M is teething. Of course, I no experience with teething babies, so this is just a guess. She is chewing on everything, a little cranky, and pulling on her ear--all signs, I am told, that teeth are on their way in. 

Grandma Vickie got her these "keys" and I picked up some other chew toys, and that is working for now. Any other tips are appreciated, and maybe soon I will be posting a photo of that first tooth. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl ... yep she's probably starting to cut some teeth (bottoms most likely unless she's like Will who unusually cut his top teeth first!) ... it can take quite awhile for them to bust through BUT if she gets uncomfortable, Orajel and Tylenol both work like champs! Good luck and kisses to my sweet niece! xoxo
